Just a Few Further Thoughts

In my last post, I mentioned August Derleth’s, Place of Hawks, a collection of interwoven novellas, set in Wisconsin that have a dark and moody atmosphere similar to some of Faulkner’s regional fiction but without the self-conscious experimentalism. However, I neglected to provide any bibliographic data. The collection was originally published by Loring and Mussey in 1935, but since the publisher has long ago closed shop and since this was Derleth’s first published book, this edition is rather scarce and dear. It would probably be easier to obtain the anthology Wisconsin Earth (ISBN 837146968), which includes not only Place of Hawks but a novel and journal, as well. Cheaper still and in print is Jim Stephens’ An August Derleth Reader (ISBN 1879483114), which includes one of the stories and a great cross-sampling of all Derleth’s work. I didn’t mention this information earlier, because I did not have these books at hand and was too lazy to retrieve them. There is an online resource, though, for this sort of information and much more. The August Derleth Society is comprised of scholars, fans, and even friends of the author who are dedicated to keeping green the memory of this writer. Membership is quite cheap and includes a subscription to the society’s newsletter.

In the last post, I also mentioned Derleth’s involvement with H.P. Lovecraft, but I forgot to mention the below web page:


It’s a bit of fan fiction regarding Solar Pons’ encounters with the “Cthulhu Mythos”. Enjoy.